At the core of DayStar is a burning desire to see people grow closer to th e true and Living God. We are a community of believers that seek to embrace the reality of our identification and inheritance with Christ in all areas. Restoring the freedom to hope in His message, to have faith in God, to Love Jesus, ourselves and others, and grow into the likeness of Jesus in the beauty of His person.

Our Foundational Values

We are committed to fostering an atmosphere and community of faith that is committed to exalting the person of Jesus in all of His beauty, by clearly and simply communicating His good news to all people. It is our belief that, when His message is made fully known to every area of our lives through discipleship and impartation in the security of accountability within the family of God, anyone who abides and lives out the reality of the message will be spiritually reborn and transformed into His Kingdom. When an individual receives the promised indwelling of the Holy Spirit they become partakers of God’s divine nature and therefore are endowed with gifts, functions and characteristics that complement them. One of our deepest yearnings is to see every person mature in their unique and specific gift functions within the body of Christ and become radical servants of the Kingdom.

Emphasis of Expression:

Worship - We recognize that we are called to worship, adore and praise God alone. We do this in awe and joyful expression; sometimes with laughter and dancing and sometimes with tears.

Relationship -  We recognize that the bride of Christ (the church) has two functions: first, it has a mobile dynamic of multiplication and second, it serves as a local and accessible expression of nurture. We are committed to both as it is our love for one another that serves as a sure indicator that we belong to Christ.

Prayer -  We affirm and are committed to the reality that prayer has two forms of expressions that are vital to the health and expansion of God’s Kingdom.  First is personal, private communion with God which is the foundation of Spiritual growth and maturation.  Second is corporate prayer and intercession which is the gateway God uses to establish His Kingdom in hearts and minds.

Holiness -  We are all called to live lives in holiness with our God.

Preaching -  We affirm that we are all called to share the message of Jesus Christ to those who have not heard and to those who have not fully received and believed it in all of its applications.

Giving -  We affirm our belief as one body  that we are called to share all good things with one another and to give of our resources to undergird the preaching of the gospel,  and to honor those who labor among us in equipping us for ministry, strengthening unity, and assist us in becoming more like Jesus.


The ministry scope of Daystar  – NEW BRITAIN is to be a staging point of discipleship, impartation, training and development for everyone that names the name of Christ; moving the average Christian from a ‘church goer’ status, to a genuine vibrant expression of a true Christ follower.  For some DayStar will serve as their local church, for others DayStar will be a ‘house of bread’, by being  a missions-base-minded  training ground that will provide spiritual development, covering,  and ministry outlets for the expansion of Jesus Kingdom ,  as well as the growth of the minister him/herself.

We want to see teams of Christ followers raised up and sent out to serve the church regionally, first in New England and  throughout North America;  also to disciple the nations in every sphere of society through the establishment of new staging points of Christian impartation, and fostering unity in the church regionally where ever we serve.


The light of Christ will continue to arise in hearts as we continue to share the message of Jesus Christ to all people. Give today and you can assure that this happens! Thank you.

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