The vision of the DayStar House of Prayer or D.H.O.P. is to establish an atmosphere of constant adoration, praise and prayer for the church in central Connecticut. God inhabits the praises of His people. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. In His presence there is fullness of joy! These references all speak of how God invades an environment where His people are engaging Him. We seek to engage heaven so that the atmosphere of our hearts and our region will be filled with His presence and be condusive to the ministry of His word. We believe that this will foster a revival and awakening atmosphere that is the normal experience for every believer. Jesus paid for it, so it is available to us who believe!

Current Prayer Sessions:

Monday Nights: 7pm

Thursday Nights: 6:30pm 136 Main st. New Britain CT. Suite 302

If you would like to be involved in DHOP as a prayer session worship leader or if you would like to receive training in worship and intercession please feel free to contact us for more info.

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